Kiera Fehr, a junior at the Craft Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics from Lexington, recently won awards for creating an eco-friendly product at the Kentucky Science Fair, placing third overall in the competition.
Slimy, Tough Bacterial Biofilm Could Help Separate Water and Oil
Written by AZoMMar 10 2021
Scientists have shown that a slimy, yet strong, biofilm made by some bacteria for safety and to enable them move about can help separate oil from water. The material might be beneficial for applications like cleaning contaminated waters.
Bacterial cellulose showed utility in separating oil and water in experiments led at NC State. Image Credit: Zahra Ashrafi.
In a study published in the journal
Langmuir, scientists from North Carolina State University have reported the results of an experiment where a material synthesized by the bacteria
Gluconacetobacter hansenii was used as a filter to isolate water from an oil mixture.