Prepare for ruffled feathers! New Zealanders will head to the polls next week for the most anticipated election of the year. <img src='' width='720' height='450'> Top, left to right: Huia by .
Forest & Bird says today’s announcement of six new marine reserves, in the south-east of the South Island, is a significant move towards protecting vulnerable Southern Ocean ecosystems. The agreement, more than a decade in the making, will .
Farmers, foresters and conservationists are all calling on political parties to commit to controlling the large mobs of browsing pests such as deer, goats, pigs, and wallabies now common across New Zealand. Federated Farmers, the New Zealand Institute .
Forest & Bird has teamed up with 26 New Zealand writers and artists to shine a light on the importance of volunteers working at-place to restore nature for future generations. Launching on 8 September, the 26 Forest & Bird Centennial project .
Forest & Bird is calling on everyone who cares about the Hauraki Gulf Tīkapa Moana to tell the Government that no bottom trawling in the marine park is acceptable, after the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries announced the start of consultation on .