New research by the University of Kent has found that optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging technology can be utilised to distinguish between legitimate and counterfeit travel documents.
OCT imaging has been widely used in the medical and biomedical fields, recognised as transforming the field of clinical ophthalmology, and this research published in
Science & Justice has now identified its capabilities for forgery detection use.
This was a joint study between the Applied Optics Group (PDRA Dr Manuel Marques and Professor Adrian Podoleanu) and the Forensic Group (Reader Robert Green OBE) in the University of Kent s School of Physical Sciences, while working alongside the forensics science technology company, Foster + Freeman (Dr Roberto King). The work demonstrates that OCT can perform quantitative, non-destructive, high resolution sub-surface analysis of multi-layered identification document, with a high imaging throughput and high-density volume. The technology