know what the cure is to that. but i do know what he has been storm tracker 2000ing from in the last couple of days. today the revised obamacare, today that new approach was scored by the cbo as not throwing 22 million americans or 23 or foremillion americans off health insurance, no, the new version scored today would be 32 million americans, 32 million americans, to be clear, who have health insurance now who would lose all health insurance under the new republican plan that the president endorsed today. 32 million people, for reference, that is the combined pop laying of all of these states can you see on this map. 32 million people. so that s why. the president s latest grossed out behavior has coincided with the republican health care bill, turning into a political catastrophe. now, we re going to be checking
in later on this hour with the dramatic protest actions that hit today on that subject and tell you a little about what we expect to see over the next couple of days over the holiday weekend. the first day of the president s grossed out distraction, yesterday, also coincided with the white house announcing that the president will meet with vladimir putin next week in person. what has the russian president done recently to deserve a one-on-one, in-person meeting with the president of the united states? i mean other than launch an unprecedented attack on our election last year, i don t know? but that announcement they will meet in person. that was well-timed yesterday in the midst of the absolute furor, it was well-timed for most people not to have we heard anything about it. you may have noticed last night when the wall street journal published the first detailed reporting about americans apparently trying to collude with the election last year. this is a bombshell story the
wall street journal reported last night. there is the first report, rather than just speculation that it might have happened, questions about whether it did happen, descriptions into the investigation whether it did happen. this is the first report of potential collusion by americans in that russian attack and it has raised very serious questions as to whether or not michael flynn, who has been a senior adviser to the trump campaign, whether he might have been involved in that effort to work with the russians, to contact the russian government, to obtain materials hacked by the russian government in order to use them here against hillary clinton. now, in that story, from the wall street journal which went live last night, you might have noticed that shane harris of the wall street journal included a line in his story saying what he had asked the white house for comment on that story. they declined to give a comment. butting a for comment has logistical consequence, means
distraction, almost all of us will just observe it. right? we are either distracted by it or not this guy s strategy, though, really is different. it s to sort of tap on the glass of your moral compass. is this thing on? to try to make you feel implicated by your silence what you have witnessed what he did. this guy s strategy really is to be so upsetting, so reprehensible so disruptive and insulting to the norms of what we agree to as americans in public life that he draws everybody into the response to what he s done. everybody feels like you can t just see it, you have to say something about it, in order to stand up for your own dignitary. and that then provides another round of attention, because then there is an interesting story to cover how all these strange bed fellows, these people you d never associate with the president. they are all weighing in on what