How An Iconic Buenos Aires Ice Cream Shop Melted Away With COVID El Vesuvio has an important place in the entire history of ice cream in Argentina - Silvano G/Trip Advisor
BUENOS AIRES It s only now that the news is finally spreading. El Vesuvio, the country s oldest
heladería (ice-cream shop), is no more.
Founded in 1902 by the Cocitori family, the legendary Buenos Aires establishment had actually stopped operating shortly before the pandemic began. Its most recent owner was no longer able to keep it afloat. And yet, because the health crisis had occupied everyone s attention, nobody seemed to notice the end of a sweet era for the Argentine capital. Recently, though, the financial newspapers
Roaring 2020s? Here s The Post Pandemic Best-Case Scenario
Could the 2020s be an era of prosperity? The pandemic has paved the way for digital, biological, and ecological revolutions.
PARIS Within 18 or maybe 20 deadly months, we will all finally be vaccinated. We will want to live like never before. The holidays will be beautiful, the skies will be clear, and artists will be celebrated once more, just like a century ago, in the 1920s, the years nicknamed crazy in France, roaring in England, and golden in Germany.
It may be easier to imagine bleak scenarios. Perhaps by mutating, the coronavirus will escape the vaccines that have already been developed. Perhaps our fragile society will be torn apart, or even collapse. Maybe, by rejecting business as usual many companies will go bankrupt and others will be unable to invest in the future. Even worse, maybe banks and governments will run out of money, triggering a severe financial crisis.
The Latest: Russia & Twitter, Arkansas Abortion Ban, 3D Buddha Statue Elderly citizens are waiting to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at Luna Park Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Alejo Manuel Avila/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire 2020-03-10
Welcome to Wednesday, where Myanmar s military hires a PR company, U.S. state of Arkansas bans abortions and a hologram is projected of the giant Buddha destroyed 20 years ago by the Taliban. We ve also translated a
Jeune Afrique article that follows the fight of a Moroccan collective trying to repeal a bill which criminalizes sexual relations outside marriage.
• 1 in 3 women victims of violence: A landmark WHO report reveals that one in three women globally have been victims of violence or sexual assault at least once in their lives, a number that has not decreased in the past two decades. The World Health Organisation study is the largest ever to track the prevalence
The Latest: Israel Lifts Lockdown, Niqab Ban, Harry & Meghan s Revelations Marking International Women s Day in Bangladesh - Harun-Or-Rashid/ZUMA Wire 2020-03-08
Welcome to Monday, where vaccination success in Israel and England allow easing of lockdown restrictions, the Pope concludes his historic trip in Iraq and Meghan and Harry have their say.
Die Welt also looks at how the German police are taking advantage of a WhatsApp for gangsters to arrest gang criminals.
• COVID-19 latest: Israel lifts lockdown, allowing cafes, restaurants and events halls to reopen thanks to a successful vaccination campaign, which has fully immunized nearly 40% of its population in just over two months. Children return to classrooms in England, after two months of home-schooling, as the UK is also performing well in vaccinating its population. Meanwhile, Japan s inoculation campaign is hampered by a lack of supply and a s
The Latest: Myanmar Toll Multiplies, Attack In Sweden, Platypus Refuge Bulgarians celebrated its National Day, which marked the 143rd anniversary of the country s liberation from five centuries of Ottoman rule - Denislav Stoychev/NurPhoto via ZUMA Press 2020-03-04
Welcome to Thursday, where the Myanmar crackdown toll multiplies, a Swedish axe attack injures eight and someone s finally looking out for the platypus. We also feature
Le Monde s investigation of rampant sexism in France s finest culinary schools.
• Myanmar coup: The United Nations reports at least 38 people were killed yesterday in the deadliest day since coup began.
• U.S. Police uncover ‘possible plot by militia: Nearly two months after the insurrection, Capitol police uncover intelligence on a possible plot to breach the U.S. Capitol today. The threat appears to be connected to a QAnon conspiracy theory that Trump will rise again to