A is definitely Commodities Energy story in terms of the dow. As thats the nasdaq off by. 2 . We are talking about falling oil as well as falling commodities as the bloomberg dollar index also rises. You can see it is definitely a very broad decline. It is also a mild decline. Materials is down the most by. 7 . We are seeing commodities in terms of gold, silver as well as copper all often the order of onemonth or twomudflows. Flows. Twomonth with oil on the downside, financials also slipping into negative territory. It had been the one lone positive earlier today, hoping that rates might rise as we head to jackson hole. We have to wait and see. Of theake a look at some biggest s p point losers right now. These are where they stand. Apple is down about. 8 . Lowest sincets august 11, about 10 days or so. Waiting for the new iphone, coming out in about a month or so. Ibm down 1. 2 . And verizon done about. 5 . Generally speaking, cross the s p, stocks from positive to negative in terms of
Risk of a nuclear accident. The on ratter of the plant has not given a sufficient explanation as to how to deal with accidents. They noted that Safety Measures are based on an estimation of the maximum possible tremor from only the past 14 earthquakes. They said that method is not irrefutably scientific. The two reactors were restarted this year after clearing new stricter regulations the government introduced after the fukushima accident. The Court Injunction takes effect immediately. Translator im thrilled. Im absolutely overwhelmed. We managed to convey to the court just how passionately we feel about this issue. Officials with the Plant Operator kansai say its regrettable the court failed to understand their arguments. They described the yinjunction s totally unacceptable and will start the process to appeal. Theyll start the process to shut down the number three reactor on thursday morning and it will be fully offline in ten hours. The number four reactor is already off line. Japa
The Election Commission has been updating vote count results since monday. Officials now say that Aung San Suu Kyis National League for democracy, or nld, won 49 of the first 54 parliamentary seats. They account for 10 of the total contested seats. Nld Party Members have put forward their own projections based on reports from observers at votecounting stations. Translator our party has won over 70 of seats nationwide. I believe we have secured the necessary number to form a government. The nld needs to win more than twothirds of the contested seats to take the reins of power. A quarter of parliamentary seats are allocated to the military. Aung san suu kyi is constitutionally barred from the presidency because she has foreigners in her family. The acting chairman of the Ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party has conceded defeat. He told reporters his party accepts the results without any reservations. Russias government is considering new possibilities in the cause of a passenger
The Election Commission has been updating vote count results since monday. Officials now say that Aung San Suu Kyis National League for democracy, or nld, won 49 of the first 54 parliamentary seats. They account for 10 of the total contested seats. Nld Party Members have put forward their own projections based on reports from observers at votecounting stations. Translator our party has won over 70 of seats nationwide. I believe we have secured the necessary number to form a government. The nld needs to win more than twothirds of the contested seats to take the reins of power. A quarter of parliamentary seats are allocated to the military. Aung san suu kyi is constitutionally barred from the presidency because she has foreigners in her family. The acting chairman of the Ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party has conceded defeat. He told reporters his party accepts the results without any reservations. Russias government is considering new possibilities in the cause of a passenger
Wednesday when both sides open talks on the issue as though referred to as comfort women. Japanese labor officials have been looking into complaints that students working part time are at a risk of being exploited. Members of asean prodemocratic parties are on the cusp of winning in myanmar. According to their own tally of votes, the party is close to securing enough seats to declare majority and take the reigns of power. Senior members of the National League for democracy have been gathering data from observers at vote counting stations, and the tallies show they secure 294 seats closing in on majority. 88 seats or nearly 20 have been contested have been determined. The nld has won 78 seats. The Ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party secured just five. High ranking government officials were among the militarybacked parties defeated candidates. The nld needs to win more than twothirds of the contested seats to form a government. A quarter of parliamentary seats are allocated to