instead, all of them lost, that is a good sign for america. everyone in l.a. still seems to think beto o rourke will be president, that is an almost a certain sign he won t be. congratulations to america. that is itsi for us tonight, we will be back, the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. i m taking two days off, i will be back on monday. in the meantime, sean hannity from g new york. sean: all right, tucker, great show as always. welcome to hannity . the so-called blue wave, turned out to be a farce. media pundits, democrats, all wrong yet again. present trump s aggressive,e, tough campaign strategy, his economic success, foreign policy successat led to political success. last night, democrats did win control of the house, but they lost seats in the u.s. senate,n and they also lost several high-profile, enormously well-funded races in-p states like texas, florida, georgia, and republicans, they still hold the majority of governorships all