Profiting off his ties to people in power. And companies that hired him like at t and novartis pony up for access, something that his boss railed against his candidate. I know the game. I understand it. So many people have come up, lobbyists. I said i dont want money from lobbyi lobbyists. The system we have is broken. A guy like bush, all these people are controlled by peemt who give them the money. It is time to drain the swamp in washington, d. C. Thats the best Case Scenario of what cohen has been up to. Here is the thing. There are numerous reasons to believe that scenario may not be the truth. For starters, lets start with this. Prior to taking money from corporate clients, cohens llc of central consultants was being used to pay hush money to the president s mistress and unexplainably to a former
government. Specifically focus on u. S. Tax reform, major Trump Campaign issue and the time warner merger. This had been announced by at t in october just before the election, and donald
we ll absolutely have to think twice before going after taiwan. i do think taiwan is more important for the u.s. then is ukraine, because we depend on the semiconductors that come from the island nation, that how are our modern way of life, including our cell phones, our cameras, all modern technology, our cars and so on. so that s why i think that taiwan and ukraine are not really the same thing. we shouldn t treat them the same either. but it is by ending the war in ukraine, and doing that deal that requires putin to exit his alliance with china, that we also deter china from going after taiwan, in a way that avoids war. that should be top foreign policy component one other component of this, of course, is that putin and xi jinping, have much more than just economic ties. they also are both authoritarian leaders. and they, on a sort of values proposition, have more in common with each other, don t you think? well, you could have said the same thing about mao is it dong mao zedo
To be acceptable both in principle and in practice, and tocontribute to the objectives of comprehensive immigration reform, atemporary worker program must be truly temporary, not encourageillegal immigration, and not be an amnesty program.
completely if you look at if you look at what s taking place in the house, and that s why we came two votes short of a motion to discharge to put a bill approximate on the floor next week that we collectively can do to make a difference and then change it. so we have been so people are working on it now. you re talking about immigration. i m talking about foreign policy with respect to our involvement in honduras and guate i m from in this case raga. you want to solve the problem, let s solve the problem. instead of dealing with the symptom of the problem. people are desperate to get out of there. that s happened in the last six weeks. and you re right, there is a foreign policy component to this, but also an immigration policy. it is not either/or. that s a completely false equivalency and i would say to my senator, marco rubio, he happens to be my senator, you should be on dianne feinstein s bill, where there are 43 democrats. and that bill does what? stops the sepa
to this is marco rubio. we have not done we have kmeetly kmeetly completely ignored. we came two votes short of a motion to discharge to put a bill on the floor next week that we collectively can do to make a difference and change it. so people are working on it now. i m talking about foreign policy with respect to our involvement in honduras. i was born in nicaragua. if you want to solve the problem let s solve the problem. people are desperate to get out there. that has happened in the last six weeks. there is a foreign policy component and also an immigration policy. it is not either/or. i say to my senator marco rubio you should be on dianne