“Yes, gender stereotypes such as the glass ceiling or slippery floor still exist. Women, however, should determine by themselves the amount of authority and workload in society, which both meets their interests and power. Such conditions for women have been created in Belarus. We have formed a society where men and women have equal rights and opportunities,” Irina Velichko said.
Irina Velichko is convinced that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights remains a topical document and the only thing that needs to be done today is to rigorously follow its provisions.
Irina Velichko expressed regret that ICAO could not fight back against the political pressure from the West and that it turned from a technical into a political organization, putting the security of international air transportation at risk.
Belarus urges Poland to pull down the wall in the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and not to misuse its location, Head of the Central Office of Multilateral Diplomacy of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Irina Velichko said at the United Nations panel discussion “SDG 15 and interlinkages with other SDGs - Life on land”.
Irina Velichko said: “Practice demonstrates that with the passage of time human rights stopped relying on principles of indivisibility and lack of hierarchy. The collective West has learned how to profitably manipulate categories of human rights and pay attention only to those that serve their political ambitions.”