Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Shestakov held consultations with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov in Moscow on 29 June.
Belarus is determined to advance from simple trade with Latin America to the establishment of joint ventures and assembly factories, Belarus' Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Shestakov said at the Belarus-Latin America forum.
Belarus' trade with Latin America has been growing steadily but still does not fully correspond to the real capabilities of the parties, Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Shestakov said at the Belarus-Latin America Forum at the Business and Cultural Complex of the Belarusian Embassy in Moscow.
Evgeny Shestakov said: “Realizing the stance outlined by the head of state and government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is actively organizing the promotion of our trade and economic interests to remote markets. Certainly, the term covers virtually the entire world."
“During the session of the commission, the parties charted out priority steps to intensify Belarus-Cuba trade and discussed a number of promising projects,” the foreign ministry informed.