or zero dependency on forei oil. this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zo is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. the other office devices? they don t get me. they re all like, hey, brother, doesn t it bother you that no one notices you? and i m like, doesn t it bother you you re not reliable? and they say, shut up! and i m like, you shut up. in business, it s all about reliability. cause these guys aren t just hitting print. they re hitting dream. so that s what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. r science teacher helped us build it.
believe we can get america back to work that s the only way that america works is when america is working. thank you very much. great to see you. coming up, we are going to go back to the other side with voters in our audience. then we will find out if they were satisfied with what they heard from the candidates and whether their answers brought them a little closer to making a decision. it may have happened with you. stay with us. we will be right back from charleston, south carolina. imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on forei oil. this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zo is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all.
imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on forei oil. this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zo is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. when i m on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don t feel like working out. when there isn t enough of me to go around. when i have school. and work. every morning. it s faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy.
or zero dependency on forei oil. this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zo is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. inn8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i ve got revigor. what s revigor? it s the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
ratings they wouldn t be there. bill: ill think i just won that. you didn t. bill: still got that dinner. ben, keep it pithy. pithy is hollywood is a big leftist loud speaker for putting leftist propaganda out on the airwaves, it s not going to change. the ones about obama are affectionate. the ones about romney are mean. bill: new poll out of south carolina, president obama now says he wants to down size the federal government. also, later, the killer joran van der sloot sentenced in per would peru. geraldo on that upcoming. [ mal] is zero worth nothing? imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on forei oil. this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zo is worth everything.