that way is , of course,enough the country music legend livesk in nashville, joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on . today. yo so you have your own house. why are you interested in this house? and what happens to it? are yo i think like so many or people in this country, we rear sick of seeing historysi to the ground, whether it be inmonument the form of monuments, statues, and now something so importantn here in nashville, likeville. the former home of hank williams, beachwood hall, i also might note, was also the former home of tim mcgraw and faith hill. an where does this end?an we kind of all knew that from the beginning, once this fiasco started, that it was neverend. going to end. and now we kind of feel like f we re under an invasion fromstan the state of california, whichf we understand. and a lot of ways have a lot of friends here. they come from these spots, california, new york city, and this is the house, because we feel that a lot of peoplet say it and they sa