This is part of our sin tennuce activities. Im executive director of the john f. Kennedy library foundation. On behalf of all of my colleagues at the library, we are thrilled all of you are here. You are in for a special, special treat tonight. Before i talk about the book, a few other quick things first. First, to thank our sponsors for tonight and for the forum series, the bank of america, the lowell institute, media sponsors, the boston globe, xfinity and ber. In addition to tonight, on your chair is a brochure of different activities. As you know, a week from today is the actual centennial birthday for john f. Kennedy. We have a variety of things. We hope you come back to some or all of these as your schedule permits. We also want to welcome those that are watching this streaming or those on cspan. We appreciate their participation as well. After the presentation tonight, our authors have kindly agreed to sign books. If you dont have them, theyre also available in our gift shop for
His own writings. Well hear from Matthew Mason, auth are on of John Quincy Adams and the politics of slavery. This is just over an hour. A remarkable historical figure and central to almost any academic study of the late 19th to mid excuse me, late 18th to mid19th century and based on the diary that John Quincy Adams had to Matthew Mason are here to talk about their book selections from their diary. This book was recently hailed by the Washington Times as a great read and an informative excuse me, an informative reality check on issues that vex us even now. Matthew mason is a professor at Brigham Young university. He holds a ph. D from the university of maryland and has been at byu since 2003. His publications include slavery in politics in the early american republic, a possible biograp biography the politics of bondage and freedom in the new american nation, and massachusetts in the civil war. The commonwealth and national disunion edited with the mhs own conrad wright. David is dist
Yorba linda and the new Richard Nixon president ial library and museum. Im william barlbault, president of the Nixon Foundation and im glad youre here on an important day for the library. Joining us is the president of the library and the blue coats of the gentlemen recognized today. Thank you. Before i introduce larry higby, who introduced jo haldeman, i want to introduce members of the haldeman family who are here, particularly three of jo and bobs children, hank haldeman, susan haldeman, and ann cot bee. Thank you. Two of our Foundation Friends who knew bob haldeman well are also here. First, my predecessor as president and now a board member of the Nixon Foundation, sandy quinn. [ applause ] and a truly remarkable and very special woman who was at ucla with bob haldeman and John Ehrlichman in the post world war ii years. When she graduated she took a train to washington, d. C. And in july of 1951 Rose Mary Woods hired her to join the staff of a newly elected california senator, Ric
This is part of our sin tennuce activities. Im executive director of the john f. Kennedy library foundation. On behalf of all of my colleagues at the library, we are thrilled all of you are here. You are in for a special, special treat tonight. Before i talk about the book, a few other quick things first. First, to thank our sponsors for tonight and for the forum series, the bank of america, the lowell institute, media sponsors, the boston globe, xfinity and ber. In addition to tonight, on your chair is a brochure of different activities. As you know, a week from today is the actual centennial birthday for john f. Kennedy. We have a variety of things. We hope you come back to some or all of these as your schedule permits. We also want to welcome those that are watching this streaming or those on cspan. We appreciate their participation as well. After the presentation tonight, our authors have kindly agreed to sign books. If you dont have them, theyre also available in our gift shop for
His own writings. Well hear from Matthew Mason, auth are on of John Quincy Adams and the politics of slavery. This is just over an hour. A remarkable historical figure and central to almost any academic study of the late 19th to mid excuse me, late 18th to mid19th century and based on the diary that John Quincy Adams had to Matthew Mason are here to talk about their book selections from their diary. This book was recently hailed by the Washington Times as a great read and an informative excuse me, an informative reality check on issues that vex us even now. Matthew mason is a professor at Brigham Young university. He holds a ph. D from the university of maryland and has been at byu since 2003. His publications include slavery in politics in the early american republic, a possible biograp biography the politics of bondage and freedom in the new american nation, and massachusetts in the civil war. The commonwealth and national disunion edited with the mhs own conrad wright. David is dist