Learn about Forage Legumes at UNH s Virtual Field Day
Portsmouth Herald
DURHAM – Over the last decade, interest in forage legumes for grazing and as stored feed has increased among the region’s dairy farmers. At an upcoming virtual research field day, scientists with the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station at the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture will provide results from ongoing research that aims to assist farmers in maximizing the quality and nutritional benefits of legumes for milk production.
In collaboration with the UNH Cooperative Extension Dairy, Livestock, and Forage Crop team, station researchers will provide an update on their forage legume research information that could improve the bottom line for the approximately 95 dairy farms in the state. A Dairy and Livestock Crops Virtual Field Day will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021. Register for the free event at https://extension.unh.edu/events/dairy-livestock-crops-