LENEXA, Kansas, April 04, 2023, a precision livestock company, has raised $20MM in Series B funding to accelerate genetic progress in cattle. With this new investment, Vytelle will continue to expand its
Bob Sonntag retires from S3 Enterprises
March 2, 2021
S3 Enterprises (“S3”) announced today that Bob Sonntag, President and owner, has retired and sold his interests in the organization.
Sonntag has worked in agricultural manufacturing since 1985, when he joined Rem Manufacturing, in Swift Current. He first made his mark in the industry selling springs, tynes and rake teeth out of a sample case. Sonntag bought S3 in 2006, expanding operations to include the Delta Harrow plant in Shenandoah, Iowa, and rebranding the company under the S3 name.
Sonntag served on the board of FEMA (Farm Equipment Manufacturers’ Association) and was a strong advocate of AMC (Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada) and SMI (Spring Manufacturers’ Institute). He has enjoyed travelling on behalf of his business, building relationships with friends, customers and suppliers around the world. His career has demonstrated a passion for and understanding of the industry, a keen sense of humour and ongoing