tucker, do you fear the series will go too easy on cheney? yes, let him off the hook. this man never talks. that s one of the reasons i like dick cheney. he is an american hero for that reason, but how do you do a dialogue-filled area. i admire him. sure you do. your people hate him. but generally you people hate him because you respect him too, right? some of us. he is a fascinating human-oid, and he obviously loves to infuriate flaming liberals. to a certain degree he revels in the darth cheney sort of thing. he is a deeply historical figure and i would hope to see something objective and illuminating. i already have my prejudice
coming up on tomorrow s red eye why am i yelling? return appearances from u.s. army special forces terry safford, the mean guy on the left. and suzanne sena and the great comedian joe derosa. it will be a good show. time to go back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. tucker, where can i go to fiend ut on how much federal employees really make? you can go to the daily coller. actually we have a great series coming up, one of our reporters is digging into how much more impressive their benefits r. i like chris moody. he does good work. oh please. he does. what the hell is going on at your website. people need to subscribe. i have amazing stuff in april. join now. how much does it cost to
actually i like it. i can t get it out of my head. unoblivious to the national growning over her new found fame, paparazzi caught black frolicking in the snow yesterday. thankfully that clearly was the wrong tape. that was an adorable red panda. they come in red, don t you know? and they love their frolics. a lot of people don t realize that marl burrow reds marboro reds are made from red pandas. a million bucks for a lousy video? doesn t that make america great. shouldn t we be saluting this young woman for making this video and then being richer than all of us except for tucker?
convinced it was the reincarnation of his previous dog. after getting turned down he took his case to a human rights tribunal saying he was discriminated against because of his religion. the courtsided with the dog shelter who rejected the adoption safer examining the after examining his home life. he sleeps all days and works at night and rarely leaves home. let s discuss this in that thing lightning rooooound. lightning round. tucker, isn t it great they have human rights tribunals for this stuff? is this canada? yeah. look, i think the guy sounds like a freak. i am totally for the dog shelter. i m sure his plan was to eat the dog. you might be right. i am. maybe his past dog you say that and do you end up in the human rights in canada they have no bill
convinced it was the reincarnation of his previous dog. after getting turned down he took his case to a human rights tribunal saying he was discriminated against because of his religion. the courtsided with the dog shelter who rejected the adoption safer examining the after examining his home life. he sleeps all days and works at night and rarely leaves home. let s discuss this in that thing lightning rooooound. lightning round. tucker, isn t it great they have human rights tribunals for this stuff? is this canada? yeah. look, i think the guy sounds like a freak. i am totally for the dog shelter. i m sure his plan was to eat the dog. you might be right. i am. maybe his past dog you say that and do you end up in the human rights in canada they have no bill