Monday: Read 2 Peter 1:1-15 We are not certain as to when this letter was written. It seems likely that 2 Peter was written somewhat later, perhaps near I suspect that Peter is more concerned with reminding his readers that God will reward them for their righteousness and that they should not fall into the temptations and influence of the false teachers than he is in detailing the punishment that awaits the false teachers. In other words, Peter’s words of impending judgment on the false teachers are meant to dissuade his readers from following them more than he is concerned with condemning the false teachers.
Monday: Read 1 Peter 3:1-7 Today’s reading is a prime example in which understanding the cultural context (in this case, the Greco-Roman context) is Peter was not indicating that women were inferior in their roles. As argued above, Peter has already affirmed the independence and equality of women when it comes to choosing their own religion. The fact that they were listening to his advice in this letter is an affirmation of their rights in Christ, which were often not granted to them in the Greco-Roman culture. In light of all this, the best understanding of Peter’s reference to women as “weaker vessels” is in terms of their social status. Peter was informing the men on how to treat the women. In particular, the men must be understanding towards the women who, because of their very act of coming to church were in a much more precarious cultural situation. The women were “weaker” only in the sense of their position within society.
Monday: Read 1 Pet 1:1-12 The letter of 1st Peter is one of the hidden gems of the Bible. The letter is addressed to Christians throughout Northern Asia The focus of the letter is on their Christian identity and their behavior in a hostile world. They were apparently suffering some form of persecution and scorn. Peter encourages them to live godly lives in the midst of such persecution (5:12). He then adds that the result of their good behavior is that unbelievers may be won to the faith (2:12).
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