i thought your interview on sunday with bernie sanders was interesting for many reasons, but one because he did say there are there is a lot of waste in government. and there are things that i would agree to cut. he also said raising taxes he wants. yeah. but you just heard ro khanna on with us last hour and he s a hard no. most people except for manchin are hard no. i just don t understand where on earth this goes, unless you can somehow politically make it look like a win for both. that s the only way to do it, right? that s it. you just nailed it. can you go down to washington and figure this out? no thanks. i m good. no. that s exactly right. and when bernie sanders was on with me on state of the union most of the cuts that he said he would support were military spending which they won t do. things they won t do. yes, he said there is some waste. which i agree with you. that was a big deal for bernie sanders to say that. i was like, oh. yes, the democrats
Democratic Senate coalitions in red presidential states Montana and West Virginia.KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Jon Tester (D-MT) are outliers in Congress no other Senate or House member holds a state/district that is more hostile to his or her party at the presidential level than this pair. Montana and especially West Virginia are deeply Republican at the presidential level, and while Manchin and Tester have clearly run way ahead of Democratic presidential performance in recent years, changes at the presidential level are reflected in their own coalitions.