but you don t give up. hang out with good people. check your ego at the door. put team first. never give up. steve: what a night. ainsley: that was so much fun to watch, brian. that come back. i m sure being there in person. you were there to witness history. brian: absolutely. 39 years old tom brady said that s it. i m in the second half of my career and maybe i don t have it in the second half he had it. little bit later you will see posted on foxandfriends.com extended interviews including one did i with bob kraft after the game as i reflected on not only that but the rivalry with roger goodell. stuff he refused to answer is interesting this morning. mvp award given to tom brady by the commissioner of football a man who suspended him the first four weeks of the year. bottom line everyone got their money s worth. ainsley: commissioner roger goodell did get booed.