still to come: tributes to one affrontsmost recognisable figures, the football thinker and politician bernard tapie has died at the age of 78. this was a celebration by people who were relishing in theirfreedom. they believe everything s going to be different from now on. they think the country will be respected in the world once more as it used to be before slobodan milosevic took power. the dalai lama, the exiled spiritual leader of tibet has won this year s nobel peace prize. as the parade was reaching its climax, two grenades exploded and a group of soldiersjumped from a military truck taking part in the parade and ran towards the president, firing kalashnikov automatic rifles. after 437 years, the skeleton ribs of henry viii s tragic warship emerged. but even as divers work - to buoy her up, the mary rose went through another. heart stopping drama.