bought by a third party, and not by the woman who is now a tv personality on a network. a key in the investigation is they will look into whether brett favre and she had a consensual relationship, if they did that changes the focus of the entire investigation. you mentioned the two massage therapists they also have not spoken to the nfl. at all. shepard: so we don t have much of anything? trace, we will wait. an interesting hearing. violence on the streets of a major european city, why this battle is ongoing between police and protesters. stay tuned.
happen in this meeting today? trace: i have to tell you a lot of secrecy around this. brett favre walked into the practice facility in minnesota. and the locals were not sure if it was to practice or to go to the meeting. we know this is not a formal hearing. there is no sworn testimony brett favre will not be under oath. but, brett favre will be asked questions about his conduct and the answers will be dowjted documented and because he is facing fines he will have representation, maybe legal representation, union representations or both. he could be suspended but the vikings have absolutely no part in this investigation whatever. shepard: what is the nfl have to go on besides his statement? reporter: nothing. the woman who received allegedly the nude pictures and invitation e-mails, is not cooperating with the nfl at all and there is no word whether she will cooperate. those e-mails and pictures were
the opportunity to chat away with jonathan hunt. it is easy to join the conversation at you can say your piece to jonathan hunt. a thrilling experiment. well, the vikings starting quaterback, brett favre, will meet with the head of nfl security. brett favre is expected to answer some questions over allegations that he left lewd voice mails and sent racy photographs to a former jets game hostess two years ago. the blog claimed that protect favre hit on two former team therapists and he says he will let the investigation run the course but if the nfl finds him in violation of policy, he could be find or suspended. trace, what do we expect to
explain why one candidate shouted the rent is too damn high, over and over and over again. box two, brands new buzz surrounding christine o donnell. she seems to get buzzed. we tell you what she said about the first amendment that has some people talking. and in box number three: football star brett favre to go before the head of the national football league to answer allegations that he sent racy photographs and left lewd voice mail for a former jet employee. a weird day in studio b unless breaking news changes everything. first from fox at 3:00, stunning new allegations in the nation s foreclosure trouble. brand new. according to court documents workers at one of florida s biggest foreclosure firms blindly signed away people s homes in exchange for