was beloved, a guy w had not a whisper of depression in his past, one day goes and hangs himself in his dorm room. they do the autopsy and they find his brain looks like the brain of an 80-year-old with alzheimer s. and what did the school do after this event happened? nothing. nothing. which i just find so morally outrageous. this is what i said to the kids. what are you doing? how did you let your administration get away with this? why didn t you picket why didn t you picket the gates of the football stadium on saturdays and saying nobody should be going in and watching a spectacle. we re not watching the gladiators in roman times. we re more sophisticated than this. one of us died as a result of this game. and you don t buy the argument that this is important for part of the culture, alumni relations, fund-raising?
disorder which we were seeing over and over again, now in football players. so here the university had direct experience with the pathological effects of the game of football such that this otherwise happy, healthy, the captain of their team, a guy who was beloved, a guy who had not a whisper of depression in his past, one day goes and hangs himself in his dorm room. they do the autopsy and they find his brain looks like the brain of an 80-year-old with alzheimer s. and what did the school do after this event happened? nothing. nothing. which i just find so morally outrageous. this is what i said to the kids. what are you doing? how did you let your administration get away with this? why didn t you kick it why didn t you picket the gates of the football stadium on saturdays and saying nobody should be going in and watching a spectacle.