he toured a port of entry in el paso but stayed away by communities impacted by illegal immigration. bill: too little, too late? republicans saying the president s visit with as nothing put a photo op. the president that caused the chaos on the border needed to be here. it so happens he is two years and $20 million too late. nothing but for show. immigration laws already in exist in the united states of america. he is coming in after we ve already seen too many of our united states sit stens die of fentanyl. too many criminals make it into the united states evaded apprehension. complete and total chaos on our border. bill: a moment reaction from texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. griff jenkins is in eagle pass, texas. jacque heinrich? mexico city where the president wakes up this morning. let s start there, good morning. good morning to you, bill. today we ll only get a glimpse of president biden as he sits down with the mexican president ahead of a meeting with
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writes about it. football and injury are all synonymous. rare is the football team who doesn t lose key players as the season progresses. football players don t ex peaked to die on the field but their lives are generally shorter because of the game. what about the gradiator attitude that we bring in this sport as spectators. i know how i feel now and but i m asked all the things i ve been through and some of my teammates and all the things they go through. everybody says is it worth it? i would do it 100 times over. i love playing the game of football. injuries happen. you hope and pray that things like what happened to damar wouldn t happen to anybody. the knees, shoulders, things that happen, the concussions we get. the thing is to be able to see