this is the challenge of a club like bryne, is that it s a very small place. so the football club isn tjust for the kids who are enormously talented and are going somewhere, it s also just for the kids who want to stay active. the challenge for the coaches is always, how can you include everyone, whilst also challenging the very best and not separate them from their mates? erling was gentle, nice, funny. he always scored a lot. he smiled a lot. he trained a lot. but he was one of the 40, so he was treated the same way as the other a0. he and his friends played i three, four, five hours every saturday, every sunday. they get a lot of time playing. they kept the tempo high. it was important for them to win. so even though they weren t thinking that this is training, i think it was probably the best training they could get. - i played at bryne since 2014.