once you have the birth certificates, then you can get a driver s license. you can start getting passports an, credit history, college degrees and after living in canada for several year, they came to the u.s. as canadian citizens on their canadian passports. got a student visa and then a business visa. they establishes a foot hold in the u.s. to get citizenship in the united states and they re ready to rock n roll at that point. part of the legend building process is obtaining a mate. before they are ever deployed, russia sets them up as couples. so it would be like me going to quantico and being partnered up with another fbi agent to become married and go live in another country under assumed names. it requires serious commitment. do they love each other? i think so. they re humans just like us. and they are subject to the same trials and tribulations that life brings on. in the murphys case, they had their arguments. we would listen to them interact.
ceo. lee, i guess these are words you welcome. how could the president help you not only here at home but overseas? well, first, beginning with the focus that the president has on not only american companies and made in america, but the american workforce. i mean, this is really celebrating the american worker. and workers throughout this country who succeed not only day and in day out, in meeting and exceeding customer expectations, doing that in local markets, state markets, and companies like ourselves that do that globally in over 100 countries around the world. brian: locatelocated in birmingm since when? when did you get a foot hold? founded in 1929. this is our 88th anniversary. brian: what s it going to mean to you to be at the white house today. it s incredible. i had the opportunity to work on the president s manufacturing council. currently working with the president on a number of policy issues. prince instancely workforce policy, deregulation and infrastructure.
groups do not create that f fertile ground and allow ice toys remain. there are pockets of resistance. but as they flee mosul, relocate, blend back into other communities, what are the security challenges to make sure that the militants don t regain a foot hold? it is going to be a big challenge. you have to look at the situation right now. yes, you are looking at, you know, perhaps the final hours, final days of isis in mosul, great victory for the iraqi security forces capturing the second largest city but isis still controls some territory in iraq. you are talking about cities and also in the vast desert province in western iraq and anbar province, isis still controls areas there. we have seen significant attacks
since, except for a brief respite on sunday when the military announced a cease-fire for eight hours for the muslim eid holiday. and with this brazen and audacious attack, they have really declared themselves to the philippines and the broader world that they are clearly trying to establish a foot hold in southeast asia. isis fighters battling street to street. not in the middle east but for the very first time in southeast asia. on may 23rd, these extremists lausted lau launched an assault on the city of marawi in the philippines. they burned a church and murdered prisoners. for a month the philippines military struggled and failed to recapture marawi even though
the holiday when the military announced an eight-hour cease-fire but otherwise the fighting has resumed. and what is clear is that this isis in the philippines militant group, they are trying to capture territory george, to declier s declare sharia law and become ice n isis in southeast asia to establish a foot hold in southeast asia. battling treat to street. not in the middle east. but for the very first time in southeast asia. on may 23, these extremists launched a sudden lightning assault on the city of marawi in the philippines. they captured the city and government weapons. burned a church. and murdered prisoners. for a month, they have failed and captured marawi. even though they bombed it daily