Netflix’s newest food show,
Waffles + Mochi, follows the adventures of a puppet with waffles for ears (hence the name) and her friend, a small ball of mochi (hence the name), as they taste their way around the world. The show premiered on the streaming platform Tuesday.
The show is anchored by Michelle Obama, who plays the owner of a supermarket where Waffles and Mochi work. Each episode centers on a single ingredient or cooking technique and sees the duo meeting with an array of chefs, celebrities, and celebrity chefs. Samin Nosrat is one such chef who visits the pair and dives right into the joys of cooking, eating, and gardening. I spoke with her in advance of the show’s premiere to learn about her involvement and what makes
This recipe originally appeared on Food52.
On the wall of a café in the historic district of Moscow, not far from the Elektrozavodskaya metro station, hangs the portrait of a young woman. She stares into the eyes of whoever passes her canvas, lips parted merrily to reveal just her upper incisors. Strands of hair whip across her forehead and nose as if she’s caught in a gust of wind.
She is made from 40,000 croutons, and one day, she will crumble into nothing but dust.
“It was a pleasure to work with such a material as bread, because it has a very good energy. I felt bright vibes while working with croutons,” said Zoom, the Russian artist who spent more than a month baking the bread cubes that constitute this bread woman, no relation to the video conference call you’re currently shirking.
This recipe originally appeared on Food52.
There’s nothing like a tall stack of toasty, hot, fluffy pancakes to bring many mouthfuls of satisfaction to your morning, noon, or even night. Fast, fun, and endlessly customizable, pancakes are an essential element of every cook’s repertoire. From batter to belly, we break down the basics of this beloved breakfast classic so you can start flipping flapjacks with one hand tied behind your back.
What Is Batter?
All pancakes start out as batter, a mixture of flour, protein, fat, and liquid, plus a dash of bubble-creating chemicals in the form of baking powder and/or baking soda. Upon mixing, tons of tiny bubbles form throughout the batter, which, when poured onto a suitably hot surface, solidifies around these microscopic air pockets, resulting in the texture affectionately referred to as “fluffiness.”
This recipe originally appeared on Food52.
“Spam is the ultimate loner food,” said the chef Esther Choi, who lives in a one-bedroom by herself in New York City. Working late hours to keep the lights on at all of her restaurants, Ms. Yoo and two Mŏkbar locations (with one more on the way), Choi doesn’t get to cook meals at home for herself very often. But when she does, she turns to the simple things: fried Spam, eggs, and Hetbahn, a single serving of Korean microwaveable rice. “Even though I’m a chef and I can make anything in the world,” she said, “when I’m by myself, those are the things I want to eat.”