the now, this is a story that unfolds in three parts. first, the yes just yesterday, wete learned tht nearly four hundred department of homeland security employees took pandemiarly 400c unemploymt even though they were working. but my friends, this is justinyc a teeny tiny fraction of the massive in brazen coviden theft that has occurred since d the government started doling out billions in so-called relief. the official who s in chargeh of overseeing the distribution of the relieributionf has calleh the biggest fraud inbigges a generation. t frau it was the theft of asc as 80 billion dollars, or about 10% of the eight hundred billion dollars that was handed out in that paycheck protection program. now,in tha remember, that s on l the 90 billion to four hundredio billion believed to have been stolen from the nine hundred billion covid unemploy payment relief program. that s a lot of money. the second part of this story surrounds the tidal wave of inflatiotle n tha
into just people can t get tosui supplies, food, water,es medical ,things like that. so we have crews that are combined with rescuers and med units so they cauers andn kind e care of a portion of thatm medical to get them safe . those are the cajun y. v there s a big need for food theywater donations here in the fort myers area. they d love it if folks would drive down with those donations. donas ore, also donate onlin go cajun navy dot org. - they re a great organization. they always help lots of people in natural disasters. all these folks come with boatse of their own and they are here with the goodness of their hearts. ofir heaall here to help. in fort myers, florida, max gordon, fox news. on fox n the biden administration hadn one economic talking point i going into the midterms, and ith prs that gas prices were falling from the record highs. okay, never mind the fact that the biden administration sbi policies contributed directldey. to that jump in prices.