they have filibustered the food safety bill. they re so used to filibustering stuff they filibustered that one before 15 of them voted for it anyway. they filibuster bills they agree with now. they filibuster bills they disagree, they filibuster all regular business of the senate. if there was a resolution tomorrow morning to say good morning, mitch mcconnell, it s nice to see you, they would filibuster that. over the last four years, since they have been in the minority, since january of 2007, republicans have employed a blanket filibuster on everything. so their big threat today was they re going to start filibustering stuff. they re threatening to blow up something that is already blown up. we re already living in the rubble of the thing that they blew up. because they blew it up four years ago. they are threatening to burn down something that is already burned down. they re threatening to kick in the teeth of something that has already had all of its teeth kicked out. this would be
glenn: stuart chase wrote the road we are traveling in 1940s. he outlined what was coming in america. he was a fan with it. he didn t have a problem with this. listen to what he said was coming in america before we moved from a republic to what he said was x, i believe, global empire. he said we ll finance all these things and abandon the gold standard and start deficit spending techniques. we would control our natural resources, our energy, our transportation. then we would control agricultural production. i contend to you that is exactly what this food safety bill is. control of labor organizations. yeah, or do they control us? the enlistment of young men and women put in youth corps, devoted to health, discipline and community service.
last time we had a food overhaul, 1938. it s been 72 years. the new york times reports that the house may forgo the haggling committee and pass the senate version of this food safety bill to make sure it gets to the president s desk and gets signed. hey, they re actually passing something. dry aged steaks for everyone. i was totally wrong. i deserve this. [ buzzer ] false. oh, what a feeling. next one. true or false, the bailout of the financial system that for all its problems did stave off a second great depression. that bailout cost taxpayers $700 billion. the t.a.r.p. bailout cost taxpayers $700 billion. is that true or is that false? [ buzzer ] false, not that you would know it from the last two years on the tv machine. $700 million plus in bailout
wealth through health care and cap and trade. did they do health care the right way? cap and trade is meeting in mexico and the administration said don t worry, congress is stalled cap and trade, don t worry. we will get around. nancy employees said we will get it done. that is what they did in the decline of the roman republic. today congress is circumvented. i told you of the food safety bill, remember? here is audio after the vote of the bill, a democratic senator, not a republican, a democratic senator standing on the floor near an open mike and did not know the mike was open and listen to what he says about his own party and the way this food safety bill was . rigged. watch. because it is all rigged. the whole conversation was rigged. the fact that we do not get a
this is norma. who s inundated with all the information coming at her concerning the medicare part d changes this year. so she went to her walgreens pharmacist for guidance and a free personalized report that looks at her prescriptions and highlights easy ways for her to save. because norma prefers her painting to paperwork. see how much you can save. get your free report today. expertise find it everywhere there s a walgreens. here are top stories making headlines right now. a food safety bill just passed by the senate could be held up in the house because of a senatorial error. it requires tax provisions