Macpherson Kelley has appointed a new board member, who brings 15 years’ worth of experience to her new role. Jac Phillips has been appointed as a non-executive director of the Macpherson Kelley a
Switzer Daily
Food Revolution Group
(ASX: FOD) could be the turnaround ASX story of the last 12 months.
Turnarounds usually
occur when a new management team takes over an underperforming business and
“turns it around” to become hugely successful for themselves and, within the
investment community, shareholders.
FOD was an established
business, with a valuable asset that previous management failed to maximise.
As such, its share price
Problematically, while
you would recognise FOD’s key brand if you passed it in the supermarket, you’d
be hard pressed to find anyone who could tell you that FOD is behind the brand.