NANAIMO - An invaluable local and regional service provider's substantial expansion plans are on track to bolster food security and availability for d.
There are a significant number of people in Kimberley working on making sure all Kimberley and area households have access to healthy, nutritious and affordable food.
Responsibility for Gospel Chapel’s Food Recovery Program in Grand Forks has shifted to maximise its future growth, following a collaborative effort between the three organisations that manage, fund and provide the facility for it.
Responsibility for Gospel Chapel’s Food Recovery Program in Grand Forks has shifted to maximise its future growth, following a collaborative effort between the three organisations that manage, fund and provide the facility for it. Boundary Community Ventures (BCVA), the organization developing the Boundary Food Hub funded by the Province of BC through the Regional District,
The total amount of food recovered jumped to more than nine million pounds when counting donations that Santa Clara County food recovery organizations gathered.