The District of Columbia's Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HSEM) Twitter account is calling on residents of Washington, D.C., to start voluntarily rationing their food [.]
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Joe Biden made sure to remind Americans that Big Government is meeting the “needs” of the public, and that his administration is in full control over the food [.]
laura: supply chain blues getting you down, are they? washington post has a message for americans worried about sky-high gas prices and pesky shortages. just lower your expectations, people! mission remaindered rating american consumers might have been spoiled, but generations of them have also dealt with shortages of some kind. gas in the 70s, food rationing in the 40s, housing and they past be 20s when cities such as detroit were booming. it now it s our turn to make adjustments. what s going on here? it s not about helping you cope with the way things are now. it s about insulating president biden and the democrats ahead of the midterms but kind of changing the metrics that we used to used to measure success. joining us now, ohio cumbersome jim jordan intimacy cumbersome
has been for them and it shows how strong they must have been to carry on, even in difficult times without their families. these pouches were to hold the ammunition. i each soldier could carry up to 150 rounds of ammunition. they also learn about food rationing and ammunition. just being cold and . terrifying straightaway from the start you re here. and the food wasn t great. you d have to make it last. you ve got tins of bully beef but i wouldn t eat| all that at one time. i d make it last- as long as possible. 20 metres behind the front line, this was the officers dugout deep underground. this was where they slept, where they played cards, this was the hub. the meals came in here, the ammunition, and this is how they contacted each other up and down the lines. everything came through here. and above ground, they ve got ambitious plans, hoping to build a german trench
i it s been really fun and it will. really help to feel the emotions they were going through when inside i and the pressure they were under. i it is muddy and it is cold and it is grim. just walking around, like the periscopes and everything just there, it s quite hard just to imagine being in their with the threat of being shot at any moment. you would have to be careful to keep your head down and not be shot. that sort of thing. these pouches were to hold the ammunition. each soldier could carry up to 150 rounds of ammunition. they also learn about food rationing and ammunition. just being cold and terrifying straightaway from the beginning. the food wasn t great. you would have to make it last. you got tins of beef but i wouldn t eat all of that at one time. i d make it last as long as possible. there would be rats. you would have friends dying. the weather would be horrendous.