VK Citgo LLC and Gurdev Singh (collectively “Citgo”) appeal the order of the circuit court affirming the decision of the City of Milwaukee and the City of Milwaukee Common Council (collectively the “City”) not to renew Citgo’s licenses for Extended Hours Establishment, Filling Station, Weights and Measures, and Food Dealer (the “Licenses”).
time now for the news nation gut check. a houston couple says they just wanted to help those in need. for the past year, bobby and amanda herring have been feeding homeless, between 60 and 120 people every night. but houston city officials have stepped in and shut down the herrings because they don t have a permit to feed the homeless. amanda and bobby join me live now from houston. thank you both for joining us. thank you for having us. absolutely. bobby, houston food ordinance, anyone who sells or serves food required to obtain a food dealer s permit according to the health department in houston. they say that you need to have a prepared certified kitchen to protect people. you think this is unfair. you re just trying to help. yes, ma am. we ve been doing it for 15 months. i never knew in a public park where they have access to city barbecue pits that you can t cook on there and give food out.