Miles of high school or twomile walking distance from k8. Majority living in property, coming from single parent homes in which the parents generally work two jobs and they dont enjoy the same support system the counterparts have in suburbia getting to and from school. Minus the gangs, what if its bad weather, snow, rain. By the time you get to school, youre absolutely soaked. Its too much. Walking, go home in peace. If i was in a car or bus, i wouldnt have to go through this. This is unfair for people who just want to get to school and get home. Reporter and the next step, o of course, is taking what officials encountered today on these sidewalks to trenton in hopes for getting more money either for a contracted School Bus Company or passes on a public system for these students like new jersey transit. A truancy attendance officer who walked with me part of the way today didnt want to be on camera, but she said in the dead of winter when its freezing cold, our numbers are down because