COVID-19 wasn’t going to stop the Leavenworth County Youth Leaders this year.
In years past this group of Youth Leaders has baked and packaged cookies for the holiday season. In the current situation the world is in, the Youth Leaders needed to come up with something new to help out the community.
What better way to do that then have a “Not a Cookie Drive” event. On Dec. 12, 4-H Families could drive through and drop off canned vegetables, canned meat, canned fruit, toilet paper or any other items that they wanted to donate.
These Youth Leaders spread the word to their local 4-H Clubs in the Leavenworth County Area. When it was all collected and done, more than 700 items were received from six clubs: Reno Bobwhites, Glenwood, Basehor Rustlers, Happy Helpers, Bowling and Bell. These items were donated to the Good Shepherd Thrift Shop and Food Bank on Dec. 14.