Aau is above the law the Department Needs to restore Public Confidence beyond why the Planning Department of rebating permit violations exists the aau we all know their unlivable to change their predatory and callous practices of land use violations it is disturbing to me as to why the department is not activate the City Attorney and use the recommendations under the planning code in section 17 of one can only speculate why it is a matter of principle and justice thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im going to be using the overhead im not going to start until he sets it back at 3 pardon me. Im ready. My name is sieving ive been dealing with this case for 14 years on the overhead is the map that was the eir academy of arts red is housing the blue is Institutional Uses was the first map all im asking for the Planning Commission to take the opportunity to reset the hearing informational hearing with the ability for the public to give input on the report you got last friday or thus
We do expect commissioner Vice President richards to arrive shortly and commissioner johnson is out on maternity leaving e leave commissioners, the first item on your agenda for continuance at the time of issuance no items proposed for continuance, however, we have received a request into the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development a request to continue item 9 Affordable Housing program a planning Code Amendment to march 24, 2016 and we have received a request from staff to continue item 7 under our discretionary review calendar filbert street a discretionary review indefinitely by any Public Comment on the two items promoted for continuance okay. Well call those calling names . Really, really yes. I live across the street from the proposed project and the reason that the applicant has requested a continuance is that we dmroefrd yesterday the roof deck that they seek to assess through the rooftop elevator box was at permitted and is illegal sir not to interrupt you can only