the trump organization or the campaign or the administration to assist the russians in attacking our democracy. so that s a given. but the fact is he is the president of the united states. it is the office of the presidency. it s supposed to be the leader of the free world. the idea that he may be an agent or acting as an agent of a foreign power is terrifying. i mean, look at what he knows and the power that he possesses, but at the same time there is just a litany of behaviors that have that led up to yesterday. what they really did, i think, is confirm, not just to those who are working the case but to the world, that there is a reason to be suspicious. that there is a reason to be concerned. charlie sykes, folks on the left are fond of calling fox news state-run tv, and i want to read you a portion of the new york times story tonight. by tuesday morning, it was clear mr. trump could not rely on support from even his most diehard allies. on fox & friends, his favorite
but the fact is he is the president of the united states. it is the office of the presidency. it s supposed to be the leader of the free world. the idea that he may be an agent or acting as an agent of a foreign power is terrifying. i mean, look at what he knows and the power that he possesses, but at the same time there is just a litany of behaviors that have that led up to yesterday. what they really did, i think, is confirm, not just to those who are working the case but to the world, that there is a reason to be suspicious. that there is a reason to be concerned. charlie sykes, folks on the left are fond of calling fox news state-run tv, and i want to read you a portion of the new york times story tonight. by tuesday morning, it was clear mr. trump could not rely on support from even his most diehard allies. on fox & friends, his favorite morning tv program, the host, brian killmeade spoke directly into the camera.
he s not making this up. he genuinely likes and admires vladimir putin. he said it long before he was running for president. at the least we can t accuse him of sort of basically leading us the wrong way. this is a what you see is what you get situation. you will be on this trip next week. what is the mood around the white house when it comes to preparation and comes to expectations? you have the president saying don t worry. i have been prepared for this my whole life. what are you hearing around trump? the president has never been fond of lengthy briefing books or extensive study. he goes with his gut. the way he views policy is personal rapport with the other leader. he is desperate to have a good relationship with vladimir putin and believes it s in america s interest to do so. other questions about what his motivations might be.
law school. everybody else, even if you broaden out the list a little bit, went to another very fine law school but not an ivy league. they would be portrayed as somebody more from the heartland of the country. if indeed judge kavanaugh gets it, we ll remain with the supreme court entirely made up of ivy leaguers. the president has said he s fond of the playbook he used to pick neil gorsuch, his first choice to be on the u.s. supreme court. the reports are that he s using that same playbook this time around. from your vantage, how is the process different this time around? obviously you have this self-imposed deadline the president put in place to name somebody by 9:00 p.m. on monday. how is the conversation this time around different from what it was like those first few months that president trump was on the job? it s actually pretty similar from what we re getting from the white house. we have a pretty good sense of who is on the short list, obviously we ll see whether that is a
security to get back from where we were. we were starting to make our way through the arena and out through this very long, pathway that the secret service had set up that probably ended up traversing a quarter-half mile, i will tell you that no rock star in history of rock stars could have been more celebrated, more fond over then these republicans. i m talking bout from the youngest young to little old ladies and elephant hats, they swarmed him. we could barely get 5 feet at a time. we kept making this pilgrim s progress through all of this sea of humanity. even though he was absolutely bone tired, he was gracious with all of these people. and, we get back to him and we finally get into a safe space, we get out of this. he said, you can t complain when people love you. martha: no, you really