reporter: nbc news reached out to the russell family following today s police press conference but they declined to comment. did you speak with carlee s parents and why do you think they were so adamant there was an abductor? i think the parents believe what their daughter is saying. we met with them on several occasions. how would you characterize what happened here? that s the $100 question. reporter: sam brock, nbc news, hoover. still ahead for us tonight, our nbc news investigation. the violation of child labor laws resulting in a teenager s death. we do ? beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? reremember thehe pain? beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? cancelled d plans? beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? the e worry? beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? that wasas then. beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? anand look at t me now. beforere you were e