A polar airmass is expected to surge towards the Gulf Coast Thursday night and will bring several hazards to the area. Both HARD FREEZE and WIND CHILL alerts are active from Thursday night through Christmas Day. Thursday should be used to finalize measures to protect family, friends, pets and property from the likelihood of extreme and prolonged freezing conditions.
Get the latest forecast and real time temperature updates HERE.
A polar airmass is expected to surge towards the Gulf Coast later this week and will bring several hazards to the area. Both HARD FREEZE and WIND CHILL alerts are active from Thursday night through Christmas Day. Wednesday and Thursday should be used to take measures to protect family, friends, pets and property from the likelihood of extreme and prolonged freezing conditions.
Get the latest forecast and real time temperature updates HERE.
Rain will continue through Tuesday morning. Two fairly seasonable December days will follow before a major blast of cold air that will carry through Christmas.