mine too. it is terrific and you can have it raw, cooked. but the great thing about spinach in pregnancy is the folic acid content. in conception it helps with neural tube defects. what is the neural tube? when the neural tubes in the spine column don t close. spinach is a great way to get that in. we have some eggs. you have them completely hard boiled. this is just an example of the convenience. but you can have eggs, make omelets, do scrambled. a lot of women go egg whites because of the calorie content or worried about cholesterol. the yolk is where you get important part of the egg is the yolk. exactly. biggest reason is it is one of the highest for coleen. you want to make sure you re getting in eggs. like with the seafood, take a high quality egg. if a chicken is fed a high quality diet, cage free, you re going to have more omega 3s.