Political consultants at Portland Communications have even released a statements accusing Jeremy Corbyn of sinking the Lusitania, membership of Khmer Rouge (or ‘Old’ Labour as they call it) and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. They have also hired hecklers to lambast Corbyn at rallies with pithy questions like: ‘Where were you during the Permian-Triassic period when Gamma radiation destroyed 90% of marine life?’ One Blairite complained: ‘Tony Blair’s legacy will be besmirched if Corbyn stay
EDITOR: The Black Wall Street of St Vincent and the Grenadines has been destroyed. Demolished. Decimated. Desecrated. Eventually. I’d seen it coming. I’ve been sounding a warning. Unfortunately, too many are not taking heed. The warning! Black entrepreneurship in St Vincent and the Grenadine is under siege. The “bewitched Portuguese knee” remains firmly planted on its neck. “I can’t breathe” is the perennial cry of the Vincentian black entrepreneur. The …