himself, and he will give us the lay of the land. host: would foghleghorn make a really bad boonaor? foghn (stammerg): it was the best of time it was the wor - y worst of times. and by worst i m talkin athat stuffl yone.ad asau nny p engineer: ok that was a little. foghorn: you gettin all this in there son? i just added that last part it s called adlibbin. anyway.it was, i say it was. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurae.
[ ping! ] she s wanted me to ask her out for over a year now! [ ping! ] she just sent me a video. [ girl s voice ] hi stephen, can t wait for our date! oh, can i see that? aah! [ male announcer ] in the network, sparks fly faster. at&t is getting faster with 4g. rethink possible. at&t is getting faster with 4g. host: could switching to geico or more on car insurance? host: would foghleghorn make a really bad boonaor? foghn (stammerg): it was the best of time it was the wor - y worst of times. and by worst i m talkin athat stuffl yone.ad asau nny p engineer: ok that was a little. foghorn: you gettin all this in there son? i just added that last part it s called adlibbin. anyway.it was, i say it was. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurae.
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or more on car insurance? host: would foghleghorn make a really bad boonaor? foghn (stammerg): it was the best of time it was the wor - y worst of times. and by worst i m talkin athat stuffl yone.ad asau nny p engineer: ok that was a little. foghorn: you gettin all this in there son? i just added that last part it s called adlibbin. anyway.it was, i say it was. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurae. [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. glowing. smooth. flawless. [ female announcer ] aveeno positively radiant with active naturals soy now treats all five factors of radiance;