we are hearing at length from this former police officer. he gave an interview to the new yorker magazine. we re learning new insights into his life. he says he can t get a job because he s considered a liability. he also says he and his family tried to go quietly about their lives because of death threats they re still receiving. wilson also talked about community policing and the scathing justice report about the rampant racism within the foerg son police department. he has not, by the way, and says he will not read it. he also specifically said this i don t have any desire, i m not going to keep living in the past about what ferguson did. it s out of my control. and then when asked about mike brown he said this. do i think about who he was as a person? not really because it doesn t matter at this point. do i think he had the best upbringing? no, not at all. joining me now just for some community response, i have missouri state senator maria chappelle nadal.