affidavit, they ll take that charge after your credit card. however, when you use a debit card, if you don t catch that transaction within a certain period of time, you might be liable for it. one thing i would do, always use a credit card. check your credit card statement and in this particular case, the fraudsters actually stole your credit card information or consumer information actually in a brick and mortar store, not over the internet. this is even more scary where you go into a physical store and your information is stolen. unfortunately, the consumer doesn t have much control of that. the only thing a consumer can do is detect when they ve been defrauded and remediate it at that point. handle it quickly. that seems to be the first thing you need to do. kevin mittnick, using his talents for good, which we like to highlight. ceo of mitnick security. thanks, kevin. thank you for having me on your show.
i want to play this and get your response. sure. we have to take these threats seriously and do all that we can to confront them but as we shape our response, we have to recognize that the scale of this threat closely resembled the types of attacks we faced before 9/11. if dealt with smartly and proportionately, these threats need not rise to the eve of 9/11. now, as the president puts this new focus in, and when he s talking about when a smaller sometimes home-grown threat, is he referring to things like the boston bombing? absolutely. what he said was any two-bit thug can call himself al qaeda. it doesn t make it right that we can continue this perpetual war. the president basically said there s no more blank check on this war on terror. so he was very clear in saying, hey congress, we have to refine this. we have to redefine this so
anywhere from fighting to cussing at a deputy or other personnel. not getting along with the dorm. they may have problems in the dorm with somebody, they can be ruled up for what they call a shock collar. hoarding medication or possession of a shank, which is a jail-made weapon. some inmates can spend up to 60 days in complete isolation. every 30 minutes we have to come down the rows and look inside each window to make sure everybody is okay. because there is such a high rate of suicide in this area, we want to make sure there is no fights or nobody doing anything they shouldn t be doing. inmate richard hernandez is looking forward to getting out of the hole after not seeing the sun for 19 days. it will hurt my eyes for a little while. i will see it. focus in. probably play some hand ball in the yard. the inmates who are defending
alone. let s face it. but the united states senate isn t supposed to simply take other people s advice. it s supposed to do its own homework and too many republicans, lindsay graham is exactly right about this. too many republicans have not only enabled very bad business by the democrats, they ve enabled in this case very bad business by the russians. all right. frank, have a wonderful new year because we probably won t see you until 2011. thanks for your thoughts this morning. thanks. remember the big battle in texas to change textbooks to remove liberal bias? now, some people are saying that change violates their civil rights. tucker carlson up next with that story. then a network newscast poking fun at george w. bush using a fake cover from his book. check out the bottom. now, focus in. that s the subtitle of the book or is it? how i managed to go eight years without making one good decision. yeah, right. that s what they said. we ll tell you about that story coming up.
format of the inaugural events. i am haefriearing from one hourl president elect trump depart the capitol. that means we have an hour to fill. focus in, we have a shot on our left that we are seeing the grandfather clock, the ohio clock that you were talking about, what are you in position to that and senator mitch mcconnell and president elect trump, have they walked past you? yes, they walked past me and i shouted at them playwrighim. he sort of acknowledge he s happy to be here. we are hopeful that he maybe will to address a question or two when he s leaving. there is to my negligent, no specific plan for that but he can do that. i am told leaders would defer to him doing that should he want o