pricice they paiaid for r their clotothes more t than likelyly included a tax.x. - an orgrganized cririme hidddden tax ththat is placaced on itemes thatat evolved f from businens oror industrieies whwhere organinized crimee has sisignificant t influenc. - the modedern mob wawas formed a around 19303. they m moved into o a variety of indndustries byby the 50. - well, you pay dues to the association. and itit was, likeke, a seselect few i in there ththat were momore or lesss organinized. - soso i said, what if i it toto call anotother garbagage and d this guy s said, try y - this wasas just widedely acced as t the way thihings were and not something to tamper withth. - the e hierarchyy of thehe cosa noststra the boss, the underboss were well insulated from most criminal activities. so it was the low-level street guys that were doing the work. they were the ones that took the rap. and you had plenty behind them to take their spot. so law enforcement was handcuffed, in many respe
both of these issues are. you have general petraeus getting involved in that domestic matter of the first amendment issue shows the extraordinary extent to which people in the military are men and women overseas think this is a big deal. and to have it to be brought into domestic politics and inflamed by republicans, again, out of principle, maybe, out of political purposes maybe, whatever the reason is really a national and international tragedy. and unfortunately the president, foa variety of reasons, is too weak on his own to deal with it. i think you re right. this is so rare to say here s my religious faith, i have to put it out as a shield. here s the president today on his faith. let s listen. as somebody who relies heavily on my christian faith in my job, i understand, you know, that the ssions that religious