they had no choice but t surrender. i peed my pants but other than that he basically wante to know what went overboard. i told them that a tile blew over basically you lied? oh yeah, i don t really wan to tell anyone i just got done dumping a body in the atlantic he was asked why now? 20 years later did he finally stop covering for his pal. you had basically told me i i refused to answer that you would put me in jail certainly you re not here out of the goodness of you heart? no. were there any othe considerations that kept you from coming forward? i made a commitment to th guy 20 years ago i didn t se any reason to break it you broke it? only because you put me any box and i don t have a choice. a compelling witness fo sure, but was he credible? he s a character, he is despicable, but he i believable
she d go say, run a more.e has soto i think there has to be a balance. but for those who believe that parents should not be involved in schools, that s foolish. wi parents pay for school either through their tax dollars or they re paying for a private schoolthlars or of tn in addition to paying tax dollars. li to takettle a ste step back here. and the politics on both sides have got nutty .or someo reverend sharpton will come out and say something about this. someone else will come out and say somethind getg. progressives and others don t want to come together. but you got to have a balance in school. if chemistry and algebra and hard sports are going to bea taught, because i don t want parents and i shouldn t be the>i case. i m not si m o sure, gregno,t it s about the subject matter. it s about the philosophy. and the philosophy is that kids are not the property of their parents and it s anti-democratiosophy, c. and the people on the rightar who want to have input aree au authoritar
but it s coming from elsewhere meaning this won t have any practical implications, but als that is what germany would be happening that putin wouldn t shut off the pipeline that are running from other places because it would be catastrophi not just for germany, but for all of western europe because russian gas goes all over the place. we have to be careful not just for ourselves, but for our nato allies because we could make a bad situation worse for them. right now this could go bad in so many different ways. colonel, we hear you. real quick. when you think something happen if vladimir putin decides to move in there? obviously no one can know fo sure, but i think within a few days from now, it may be a week or so some of these deployments that they have will be complete and then it could be at any moment. general keane last hour saying he thinks we should already have troops moved in there. should have done it a while ago he said. great to have you here. did you have a quick fin
governor of new jersey, chris christie. he s author of let me finish. and author of in your face politics. sorry i don t have any tequila for you. i had enough of that with kolbert. dana: the president has given state of the union address next tuesday. border security negotiations will soon be going on. in the last bit, the president has not been able to move public opinion in his direction. is there something he can do next tuesday night to set the stage to try to understand what he s trying to do. stph ? o sure. he has to let loose on this. dana: he has to let loose? sure. if you ve looked at the speeches he s given. very tightly controlled. it wasn t in front of an audience. he feeds off an audience. dana: we all do. whether it s a state of the union, rally. the state of the union, i think he needs to let loose and know
elections? not to my understanding. i don t think it s for me to say whether the conversation was an effort to obstruct are. i took it as concerning, but that is a conclusion i m sure the special counsel will work towards to understand the intention there and whether that is an offense. what was it about that meeting that led you to determine that you needed to start putting down a written record? a combination of things. i think the circumstances, the subject matter and the person i was interacting with. and then the nature of the person. i was honestly concerned that he might lie about the nature of our meeting. he did not direct you to let it go. not in his wrordords, no. i took it as a direction. this is the president of the united states with me alone saying i hope this. i took it as this is what he wants me to do. why do you believe you were fired? i guess i don t know fo