coming out this wednesday. my guest will beat stephen for all of us watching this around the world, and many in britain, this week has been a reminder that grieving and loss of something that we all go through. it is a bond that we all share. certainly something i ve experienced and begun to explore and a very personal way and a new podcast. it s called oliver s. listen, you can put your cell phone now to the qr code on your tv screen for a link to it. or, you can find the podcast on apple podcasts, or wherever you might listen to podcasts. next episode is coming out this wednesday. my guest will beat stephen i m so glad you mentioned that. i don t know if it was appropriate to talk about it, but i think it s important as we watch this family grieving so publicly this week, and how tough it is for everyone. things we don t really share. and i know you lost a brother, you lost your mom. i lost my sister, i lost my dad and my grandmother and my stepdad. and it s things
but you re right. everyone is there for the memorial service, the funeral, and then you go back to your home or wherever you at this, and go, when we do now? thanks for doing the podcast, anderson. this is don lemon tonight. 50 days until the midterms. fasten your seatbelt, everyone. it s gonna roll by fast. it s not that long. and this is no ordinary election. this is an election that could decide what american politics looks like for years to come. more candidates on the right keep trying to out-maga each other, staging political stunts like flying planeloads of immigrants to martha s vineyard, which got rhonda sanders i can t standing ovation in kansas.