but this isn t just about karl rove by himself. it s voter caging, it s scared tactics, it s intimidation, it s fraud. now karl has his flying minion, his flying monkeys out there that are trying to keep 18-year-old hispanics, african-americans, a union rank and file from voting. and the way he s doing it the way the tea bag movement is doing that, they use it by, first of all, hiring a bunch of country club republican lawyers to train marginally stabile tea baggers who show up at voting stations, to shout down, stare down, intimidate, and cause a scene. now, some people, some people, will say, look, i just don t want to put up with that. but they re there they re they re to intimidate people with dark skin, who may wear blue jean, 501 blue jeans and flip-flops, 18-year-olds. but point is this, sometimes people don t have the courage to tell these intimidators to go to hell and that s what they need to do here. there s nothing that they can be threatened with. people need to understa
and finally tonight on the ed show, the justice department is looking into reports that a group connected to the tea party might be intimidating early voters in houston, texas, according to complaints niled houston, the king street patriots are allegedly blocking lines of voters, getting into election workers faces and hugging over voters. the majority of complaints are coming from mostly minority precincts. for more let s turn to mike papantonio host of the nationally syndicated ring of fire radio show. the king street patriots have been sued by the democratic party in tas. what s going on here, mike? well, if you take a look at the stories that are emerging here, they re the same stories that we saw emerging in the election of 2000, the big hustle that was put on by karl rove in that election. but this isn t just about karl rove by himself. it s voter caging, it s scared tactics, it s intimidation, it s fraud. now karl has his flying minion,
his flying monkeys out there that are trying to keep 18-year-old hispanics, african-americans, a union rank and file from voting. and the way he s doing it the way the tea bag movement is doing that, they use it by, first of all, hiring a bunch of country club republican lawyers to train marginally stabile tea baggers who show up at voting stations, to shout down, stare down, intimidate, and cause a scene. now, some people, some people, will say, look, i just don t want to put up with that. but they re there they re they re to intimidate people with dark skin, who may wear blue jean, 501 blue jeans and flip-flops, 18-year-olds. but point is this, sometimes people don t have the courage to tell these intimidators to go to hell and that s what they need to do here. there s nothing that they can be threatened with. people need to understand that. but what karl rove understands and the tea bag movement understands if you send out an army of ten to 20 crazy-looking, old white guys to stai