Yep, we’ve all heard of NFTs by now. Also yep, very few of us actually understand what they mean and why they get sold for millions of dollars. But alas here we are, and they’re currently all the rage, with some pieces like Beeple’s collage artwork going for more than a small country is probably worth. However, although they’re very much in right now, NFTs have actually been around for a while and there’s been plenty of sales that simply haven’t been as high profile.
So, although there is absolutely no value in the majority of the pieces themselves as artwork (as you can see by the fact that several of these are almost identical bits of art), here are the top 13 most expensive NFTs that have ever been sold anyway – note that some of the reported prices have fluctuated massively since purchase as they were bought with crypto.
Record Sale Of $1.5 Million Done For Virtual Land
Last Updated: 10 February 2021
Sometimes, the crypto space can surprise people in a very unique way. This surprise would be clear to most people when digital plots of land, which is represented by none-fungible tokens, or NFTs, managed to have one plot be sold for a jaw-dropping $1.5 million.
This occurred within the Axie Infinity crypto-Tamagotchi virtual ecosystem, where various NFTs are offered for Axies, which themselves are fantasy creatures that inhabit “Lunacia.” Lunacia, in turn, stands as a virtual realm controlled by the player base.
Digital Land Sold For More Than Much Of Real Land Is Worth
before the display happened, there was a flying falcon that the company producing this was going to create out of fireworks to fly around the island as the countdown was happening. so, jon, in just a few hours we ll know whether or not they actually broke the world record. as you mentioned there s a representative from guinness that is there to do an odd it and figure out how many fireworks went off. hard to believe they won t make the world s record there. the folks in the streets sure liked it. what else are people around the world doing to ring in 2014? there s a lot of celebrations around the world, and for some countries they re not even some cities and countries they re not waiting until midnight. just for example, in sid sydney, strawing, their celebration started at 9:00 local time, family celebration. they had an incredible display of fireworks that were launched from the sydney harbor judge the sydney opera house, and other places around the world were less dramatic. lo