UpdatedWed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:01 am ET
Law enforcement across metro Atlanta is investigating flyers left in mailboxes from groups associated with American Nazis and the KKK. (Shutterstock)
CUMMING, GA Several communities across metro Atlanta are worried and upset after flyers and pamphlets were left in their mailboxes advertising joining hate groups or pushing for whites only neighborhoods.
The Forsyth County Sheriff s Office was notified Tuesday afternoon from a resident in the Hilltop subdivision about an American Nazi pamphlet placed in their mailbox.
Deputies are investigating and attempting to locate the people or group distributing the pamphlets.
Subscribe We are working with our federal partners to determine if anything criminal has occurred, the department posted on Facebook. We are aware that flyers are almost always constitutionally protected speech, however placing them inside of mailboxes is a violation.