and nature, the materials we use in day to day design, and how to build cities that are fit for the future. at a time of extreme climate crisis, we ve got to consider all of these things if we re going to avoid an apocalyptic fate. this is one of the more controversial. the digital technology we have can create a sense of awe, a sense of wonder and a sense of playfulness, but ultimately, it can ignite hope and ignite a sense of courage to enact change. what are we doing here? so this is essentially us dissipating into particles. we re looking at our identity through the lens of fluid ecology. you ve done this before, you re more flowery now than me. i ve got that growth energy going on, yeah. i remember my old drama classes where they said, pretend you re a tree. now i don t have to do those classes any more. immersive media that transports us in size and place lets us
at a time of extreme climate crisis, we ve got to consider all of these things if we re going to avoid an apocalyptic fate. this is one of the more controversial. the digital technology we have can create a sense of awe, a sense of wonder and a sense of playfulness, but ultimately, it can ignite hope and ignite a sense of courage to enact change. what are we doing here? so this is essentially us dissipating into particles. we re looking at our identity through the lens of fluid ecology. you ve done this before, you re more flowery now than me. i ve got that growth energy going on, yeah. i remember my old drama classes where they said, pretend you re a tree. now i don t have to do those classes any more. immersive media that transports us in size and place lets us play games with the elements and see our surroundings differently it s not only a joy to experience,
this digital art exhibition at london s barbican centre aims to get more people thinking about the interconnectedness of humans and nature, the materials we use in day to day design, and how to build cities that are fit for the future. at a time of extreme climate crisis, we ve got to consider all of these things if we re going to avoid an apocalyptic fate. this is one of the more controversial. the digital technology we have can create a sense of awe, a sense of wonder and a sense of playfulness, but ultimately, it can ignite hope and ignite a sense of courage to enact change. what are we doing here? so this is essentially us dissipating into particles. we re looking at our identity through the lens of fluid ecology. you ve done this before, you re more flowery now than me. i ve got that growth energy going on, yeah. i remember my old drama classes where they said,
at a time of extreme climate crisis, we ve got to consider all of these things if we re going to avoid an apocalyptic fate. the digital technology we have can create a sense of awe, a sense of wonder and sense of playfulness, but ultimately it can ignite hope and ignite a sense of courage to enact change. what are we doing here? so, this is essentially us dissipating into particles. we re looking at our identity through the lens of fluid ecology. immersive media that transports us in size and place, let us play games with the elements, and see our surroundings differently is not only a joy to experience but could help us rethink a world in which sustainability must come first. i m also here to meet the man behind some of apple s most iconic devices. first though, paul carter s been to the netherlands to look
we have can create a sense of awe, a sense of wonder and a sense of playfulness, but ultimately, it can ignite hope and ignite a sense of courage to enact change. what are we doing here? so this is essentially us dissipating into particles. we re looking at our identity through the lens of fluid ecology. you ve done this before, you re more flowery now than me. i ve got that growth energy going on, yeah. i remember my old drama classes where they said, pretend you re a tree. now i don t have to do those classes any more. immersive media that transports us in size and place lets us play games with the elements and see our surroundings differently it s not only a joy to experience, but could help us rethink a world in which sustainability must come first. i m also here to meet the man behind some of apple s most iconic devices. first, though, paul carter has been to the netherlands to look